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Reunion with the Divine
Odyssey Quest

The Black Madonna – A Journey of Grace
from the Gate of Life to the Holy Grail

A unique alchemy of tour, retreat, vision quest, and spiritual adventure

October 25 – November 3, 2019

“Every archetype has its seasons.
They come and go according to the deepest needs of the psyche, both personal and collective.
Today the Black Madonna is returning.”
– Matthew Fox

The Black Madonna, called by many names and steeped in the same kind of history, mystique, power, and revelation as the Da Vinci Code, personifies the Feminine Face of the Divine.

The pantheistic representation of Divine Nurturing and patron saint of Catalonia and Barcelona, the Black Madonna is revered in over 160 countries throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, India, and the Americas. Like the Tarot’s Empress, she is the “gate of life,” a mysterious, nurturing, protecting presence whose lineage weaves through the ancient Egyptian, Middle Eastern, Celtic, and Pagan goddesses, as well as Mary Magdalene, Tara, the Cathars, and the Templars. Sacred even before Christianity, her presence takes our pain, doubts, and fears and grants us the manifestation of our hopes, wishes, and desires.

Join us as we answer her call to be reborn, and to experience our own mythical voyage to the intention Divine Life has for us. Journey with us to the lands that have venerated the Black Madonna, the lands of the Cathars, the Templars, and Mary Magdalene, to unveil and reclaim your soul’s hidden treasure—your direct, conscious connection to the Divine.

On this exhilarating secular pilgrimage, you will raise your spirit to reflect the Love and Light in her eyes that illuminate your soul’s liberating path to wholeness. As the Aura of Grace through whom Divine Light shines and all things become possible, she offers us our own holy grail of spiritual evolution and new life. In doing so, we leave behind the limitations of the past and are transformed as we find, live, and thrive in our own truth.

“The journey of life is a surreal dream.
It’s about sensing the person you’d always wanted to be, and setting your foot on that path.
It’s about remembering the person you knew you were as a child,
and rejoicing in making that your living, breathing actuality.”
― Christopher Hawke

Each day’s experiences and destinations will provide extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for soul-evolving shifts through meditations, nature walks, interactions in mystical places, ceremonies, creating personal talismans and daily numerological, astrological, and Tarot readings as we reconnect ourselves to the sacredness of life with grace, glee, solemnity, and wonder.

From Barcelona we’ll journey through the beauty of Catalonia and the Pyrenees, traveling through medieval cities and villages and into France as we meet and interact with the pivotal Black Madonnas of our pilgrimage. We’ll visit sacred sites, be cleansed of our pain and past in ancient waters, and attend special audiences with Divine Spirit.

Atop mystical Montserrat, we’ll spend 2 wondrous days at the home of the Patroness of Catalonia, the venerable Black Madonna. Among assorted legends of all kinds, the Montserrat Monastery has been a purported location of the renowned Holy Grail. We’ll participate in a transformative 2-Day Workshop while relishing these days and nights in a conscious, altered state of being, communing and bonding with our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides.

We’ll have an audience with La Moreneta, Montserrat’s Black Madonna, and possibly receive a message from her; we’ll visit the most beautiful cathedral in the world and sit in the special pew that not only knows your soul’s history but can reveal it to you; we’ll walk the Way of the Votives where our prayers will be amplified and answered; and, if we choose to, we’ll interact with other sacred beings in residence.

You can read more about one of our inspirational visits to the monastery here: http://www.sheilaahite.com/sheilaa-hite-personal-odyssey/

“People in the Old World and the New have known forever about our origins.
Black is holy. It’s the mysteries of the night sky.
We both come from and are contained somehow by this darkness.”

― Meinrad Craighead

Barcelona, Catalonia, the South of France, and Montserrat

are the Perfect Places to Discover What You Were Made For…

All you need to do is say, “YES! I’m ready!”

Join us on the Reunion with the Divine Odyssey Quest as we guide you to discover and actualize what you were made for, your Divine Intention, so that you can live the life you were meant to live.

As part of our soul’s story, my Odyssey Quest co-creator and I were instructed by La Moreneta, the renowned Black Madonna of Montserrat, the Patroness of Catalonia, to create this profoundly life-changing experience … and offer you the opportunity to not only experience your soul’s intention, but to express it by rewriting your story from that new perspective.

Join us as we answer the call. Come embark upon this sacred anointing mission, aligning with your soul’s intention for an empowered and accomplished life.

Our Odyssey Quest is structured to ensure you will be deeply fulfilled through reconnecting with your power and purpose as it reveals itself through the sacred adventure we take together.

Each day’s experiences will provide opportunities for soul-evolving shifts through meditations, nature walks, interactions in mystical places, ceremonies, creating personal talismans and daily numerological, astrological and Tarot readings as we reconnect ourselves to the sacredness of life with grace, glee, solemnity, and wonder.

“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”

― Ursula K. Leguin

Why should you join us?

Our Odyssey Quest is the PERFECT opportunity to awaken your Divine Intention as you discover your Authentic Self and connect with the purpose of your life.

Each destination and event has been carefully chosen and designed to give you extraordinary, once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

As you discover and learn how to move, step by step, into the life that was created for you, your insights and experiences will inform and bless every day of the rest of your life.

We’ll be exploring the most amazing sites, eating delicious food, and taking care of ourselves on so many wondrous levels, as we rediscover having fun and creating magic!

“All those stories you’ve read …
about heroines and heroes, epic adventures, discovering their treasure,
growing and transforming, and returning to share their treasure with their community …
that’s YOUR story. Let’s do it!”

– Daniel Piatek

“Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey.”

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

The Venue

Catalonia is a land where freely expressing who you truly are pulsates in her people’s blood and permeates her lands.

Our Odyssey Quest goes beyond the usual tourist track. With grace and elegance guiding our souls we’ll travel in chauffeur-driven coaches, participate in soul-evolving ceremonies and workshops, discover deeper parts of ourselves, and have plenty of free time to relax, shop and just simply be.

All has been woven together to provide the setting, the backdrop, and the vehicle for a profound and joyous journey of self-discovery and self-actualization.

About the Reunion with the Divine Odyssey Quest

We’ll begin our adventure in the beautiful, eclectic city of Barcelona, home of the magnificent architecture of Antoni Gaudí, and the birthplace of the Modernist Movement.

From Barcelona, we’ll make our way to the castle of Gala Dalí, built for her by her husband, artist Salvador Dalí, where we’ll meet our personal Muse and ignite our personal creative spark.

We’ll continue to the beautiful medieval city of Girona for a guided tour of its ancient charms which will include “Game of Thrones” filming sites. Then on to the equally enchanting medieval village of Besalú where we’ll spend two days encountering and exploring the sage within us as we walk in the footsteps of the ancients. Here, in these lovely Catalonian towns, we’ll begin to notice that our soul’s story is opening up to us.

The next day we’ll depart for Olot and our meeting with their Black Madonna who will acknowledge the liberating effects of our progress and bestow blessings on us. This visit will perform an immediate and powerful “re-set” on the way you view your life and possibilities!

After lunch we’ll make our way to the village of Llo, France where we’ll participate in a soul healing ceremony at their famed thermal springs baths. The following day, we’ll return to Spain, and stop in the town of Puigcerdà where we’ll meet their Black Madonna, who will teach us how to thrive and sustain ourselves as we continue to embrace our soul’s Divine Intention.

Afterwards, we’ll move on to one of the most profound experiences of our Odyssey Quest—Montserrat. We’ll ascend by taking the special cable car to the majestic mountain top Monastery at Montserrat where we’ll spend the next two days and nights in a conscious, altered state of being, communing and bonding with our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides.

There we will have an audience with La Moreneta, the Patroness of Catalonia, Montserrat’s Black Madonna, and possibly receive a message from her; we’ll visit the most beautiful cathedral in the world and sit in the special pew that not only knows your soul’s history and purpose but can reveal them to you; we’ll walk the Way of the Votives where our prayers will be amplified and answered; and, if we choose to, we’ll interact with other sacred beings in residence.

And we’ll have plenty of free time, too. In addition to other amenities, attractions, restaurants, and shops, Montserrat has a world class art museum on site, hiking trails to explore, profound other-worldly energy, and beautiful views. You can read more about our inspirational visit to the monastery here: http://www.sheilaahite.com/sheilaa-hite-personal-odyssey/

Having had so much happen for us, we will leave Montserrat and make our way back to Barcelona, where we’ll tour one of the city’s most well-known landmarks and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Antoni Gaudí’s magnificent Park Güell. Afterwards, we’ll visit the Museum of Tarot where we can add to our collection of special Tarot, spiritual, and angelic messenger cards.

After a special lunch, we’ll have free time to explore the city on our own (there is so much to see!) and reflect on all of our experiences. On our last day in Barcelona, we’ll gather together for a workshop where we’ll each create a talisman for ourselves that captures the essence of our magical adventures. That night, we’ll dine in one of the city’s most celebrated restaurants for a festive farewell meal and celebration.

And like every other epic adventure, you’ll return home with wondrous stories of experiences in far away lands, and get to explore life as the person who has returned from such an adventure. 

“Don’t be afraid to go where you’ve never gone and do what you’ve never done,
because both are necessary to have what you’ve never had and be what you’ve never been.”

― Unknown Attribution

The Itinerary

Due to the highly interactive nature of the Reunion with the Divine Odyssey Quest, individual details may change to accommodate the group’s needs.

Day 1 – Oct 25 – Arrive Barcelona
Mid-afternoon Barcelona hotel check-in. Explore this beautiful Mediterranean seaport city on your own. We will meet at 5:00pm in the hotel lobby to begin a tour of the Gothic Quarter as we walk to our Welcome Dinner and Celebration (included).
Day 2 – Oct 26 – Barcelona to Besalú
After breakfast at the hotel (included), we will enjoy a gorgeous journey in our coach through Catalonia to the castle of one of the modern era’s greatest muses, Gala Dalí, wife of artist Salvador Dalí. Here we will participate in a powerful ceremony, igniting our soul’s creative spark and meeting our personal muses. We’ll summon the Wisdom of the 5 Directions and take in the views as we meditate and explore.

We’ll continue to the beautiful 2000 year old medieval town of Girona, where we’ll take a guided tour of this ancient spot which will include some of the “Game of Thrones” filming locations. After lunch and free time for shopping, we’ll begin to notice our soul’s story opening up to us as we travel to Besalú. We will meet later in the evening to reflect on the wonders that have shown up during the day and enjoy a delicious Catalan dinner (included).

Day 3 – Oct 27 – Magical Medieval Besalú
After breakfast at the hotel (included) we will take a guided tour of the enchanting medieval village of Besalú, one of Catalonia’s hidden gems. You will be given instruction on being receptive to Divine Guidance and on recognizing when Life speaks to you. Afterwards, as you explore the village on your own, sightseeing, shopping, eating, enjoying, you will also be practicing how to receive the messages that Life is always sending to you. We’ll meet in the evening to share our stories and enjoy a delicious Catalan dinner (included).
Day 4 – Oct 28 – Besalú to Llo, France
After breakfast at the hotel (included), we will depart for the town of Olot where we’ll meet with their Black Madonna, who will bestow blessings on us in a powerfully moving ceremony. We’ll continue on to the village of Llo, France where we’ll participate in a soul healing ceremony at their thermal baths. The rest of the afternoon will be spent on your own, peacefully contemplating your journey, enjoying an unhurried day, and if you choose, hiring a masseuse for a relaxing massage. Later, we’ll gather for our evening meal (included) and share our revelations and experiences.
Days 5 – Oct 29 – France to Montserrat
After breakfast at the hotel (included), we’ll return to Spain and visit the entrancing village of Puigcerdà where we’ll meet their Black Madonna who’ll teach us how to thrive on our path as she blesses us in a nurturing ceremony. We’ll have free time there for sightseeing, shopping, eating, enjoying, and contemplating.

Afterwards, we’ll depart for one of the most profound locations and experiences on our Odyssey Quest—the majestic mountaintop at Montserrat. We’ll ascend by taking a special train up to the monastery where we will spend the next two days at Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey in a conscious, altered state of being, immersed in the unearthly beauty and tranquility of this mountaintop sanctuary while communing and bonding with our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides. After checking into our hotel, we’ll meet for our evening meal (included) in the monastery’s beautiful converted wine cellar.

Day 6 – Oct 30 – Mystical Montserrat

We will spend the next 2 days and nights immersed in the utterly other-worldly energy and the beautiful vistas of Catalonia’s sacred mountain, Montserrat.

After breakfast at the hotel each day (included), we will flow with the energies of the group and this sacred site as we enjoy: A 2-Day Special Workshop, “What Were You Made For? Activating and Bonding With Your Soul’s Intention”; communing with our Higher Selves and our Spirit Guides; an audience with the Patroness of Catalonia, La Moreneta, the Black Madonna of Montserrat and possibly receiving a message from her; visiting the most beautiful cathedral in the world and sitting in the special pew that not only knows your soul’s history but can reveal it to you; walking the Way of the Votives where our prayers will be amplified and answered; and, if we choose to, interacting with other sacred beings in residence.

We’ll attend a performance by one of the most celebrated Boy’s Choirs in Europe, in existence since the 14th century. And we’ll enjoy plenty of free time, to explore, contemplate, enjoy nature, and shop! Each day will end with dinner (included) and a special activity.

Day 7 – Oct 31 – Mystical Montserrat

Please see the Day 6 description.

Day 8 – Nov 1 – Montserrat to Barcelona

After breakfast at the hotel (included), we will board the train to “return from the mountaintop” where our coach awaits to return us to where we left a week ago, but we will truly not be the same.

Upon arrival in Barcelona we’ll tour one of the city’s most well-known landmarks and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Antoni Gaudí’s magnificent Parc Güell. Afterwards, we’ll have an awe inspiring visit to the Museum of Tarot. After a special lunch, you’ll have free time to explore the city on your own (we’ll provide a list of suggestions). We’ll meet in the evening to share our stories and enjoy a delicious Catalan dinner (included).

Day 9 – Nov 2 – Barcelona

After breakfast at the hotel (included), we’ll gather together for a workshop where we’ll invoke our muses to create a talisman that captures the essence of our magical adventures. You’ll have the rest of the day on your own to continue exploring this European gem, Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia.

For our final night together in Barcelona, we’ll gather in one of the city’s most celebrated restaurants for a festive Farewell Dinner and Celebration (included).

Day 10 – Nov 3 – Completion

After breakfast at the hotel (included), The Reunion with the Divine Odyssey Quest will conclude with many hugs and heartfelt “see you soon’s”. For those who have more time in Barcelona before they head home, suggestions for places-to-see and things-to-do will be provided.

What You’ll Get

8 Full Days and 9 Nights of Joy and Adventure while experiencing liberating personal and spiritual growth.

A conscious connection with your personal guidance. You will learn and practice vital tools for living your most Authentic Life.

Lightness of Being, having healed, completed, and shed the parts of your past that no longer support or serve you.

The ongoing benefits of having unplugged from the routine of your life in order to explore yourself without limitation.

Guidance and practice in living life as your own spiritual adventure. You will be given tools to profoundly shift how you experience your life, making everyday a joyful and exciting experience.

You will come to know that more is possible at all levels of your life than you ever imagined. The soul-deep gratification of truly listening to, following, and speaking with your own heart—truly the gift of a lifetime!

“Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius and power and magic in it.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

What’s Included

  • Land pricing
  • 9 Nights hotel accommodations (double occupancy). Single occupancy may be able to be arranged for an additional cost
  • Breakfast daily at the hotel, group dinner each night, and special Opening and Farewell Dinners.
  • Coach with driver and local guides
  • Hotel porterage of one (1) suitcase per person
  • Beverages and Gratuities for services at group meals
  • A 2-Day Special Workshop while in Montserrat
  • Instruction and practice in accessing and living from your own spiritual guidance
  • Specially designed group guided meditations
  • Specially designed ceremonies
  • An interpretation of our Tarot themed guided intention for each day
  • An interpretation of our Daily Numerological and Astrological guidance to support us
  • All teachings, ceremonies, rituals, trainings, individual and group sessions and processes, daily readings, and meditations during the course of the Odyssey Quest
  • An Odyssey Quest journal and pen
  • A special activated japa mala
  • All excursions and entrance fees indicated in the itinerary
  • Ground transportation as per itinerary throughout Odyssey Quest (excluding airport transfer between Barcelona airport and hotel).
  • Free time to use as you wish
  • An information packet with tips and information on the Black Madonna phenomenon, Catalonian culture, traveling clothes, walking shoes, passports, visas, travel papers, travel insurance local currencies, and more
  • Explorations for art, keepsakes, and body adornment (shopping!)
  • Countless serendipitous wonders and memories to feed the soul and renew the spirit
  • Optional Activities (list sent upon registration)

What’s Not Included

  • Your round-trip airfare to/from Barcelona
  • Transfers between Barcelona airport and hotel
  • Any purchases while shopping in the alluring cities, villages, and markets along the way
  • Personal services, massages, spa privileges
  • Tips for the drivers and Spanish guides
  • Personal, medical, or trip cancellation insurance (recommended). Trip cancellation insurance is offered by the travel agency; it’s always a good idea to get it – it protects you. (It’s been our experience that it’s often less expensive if you buy it independently.)
  • Souvenirs, personal phone calls, spa services, cleaning services and laundry, and tips for your room maid.


You are responsible for your own flights and/or transportation to and from Barcelona.

You must arrive at the hotel in Barcelona no later than 5:00pm local time on October 25, 2019 to ensure participation in all events. Before booking your flights please speak to us. We have an expert who can help you with flight arrangements, airport transfers, and any travel plans for further travel while you’re in Europe.

“But he was able to understand one thing: making a decision was only the beginning of things.
When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current
that will carry him into places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision.”
― The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho

Your Guides

From the outer world, we guide you to the inner world where you will discover and reclaim the power, beauty and magic of your life’s purpose and soul’s intention; and from the inner world, guide you back to the outer world where you can live in the fullness of that divine knowledge and awakened spirit.

Socrates said, “Know Thyself.” Not bad, philosophically speaking. However, we’ll go beyond that and teach you about how to “TRUST Thyself” so that you canKnow Thyself” and “BE Thyself”. Now that’s the whole story!

Daniel Piatek (HeroAcademy.com) serves as catalyst and guide for others to discover their Authentic Selves and create the life they came to live. He created the groundbreaking “The Hero’s Quest”—a conscious, joyous, and committed engagement with the Universe to walk your unique path and become who you truly are.

Daniel has been walking his own path continually over the past 30 years, experiencing profound life changes as his alignment with Soul deepens and his connection with Spirit expands. As author of The 3 Sacred Keys: An Operating System for Quantum Transformation, Daniel teaches how to find your own way to your deepest, most authentic life.

Combining his own life experience with real-time, directed guidance from Spirit, he guides his students and clients to walk their own unique path. He helps keep them inspired and moving forward toward becoming who, in their heart, they know themselves to be.

Sheilaa Hite’s (SheilaaHite.com) life is an ever changing, soul evolving, joy-filled, transformational odyssey and when you accompany her on a journey like this—your life changes! Join her and share in her magic as you discover your own! 

As the person who coined the phrase and wrote the book, The Spiritual Hedonist, Sheilaa knows the different ways of consciously choosing to live a life of class, grace and soul awareness. As a result, she understands that Spiritual Wisdom can only come about if you’re able to fully experience life through the fun, creativity, and joy of connecting to your senses.

Sheilaa is one of only a handful of people in the world permitted by the British government to enter and conduct ceremonies in the sacred ‘inner circle of stones’ in Stonehenge, as well as being the first metaphysician authorized by the city of Malibu, California to teach in their facilities. When she says, “Life is a journey; I know the route,” she truly means it.

Odyssey Quest Pricing & Information

  • The Reunion with the Divine Odyssey Quest is $3,695.00 per person, based on double occupancy
  • Single Room Supplement – $595.00 (cost to have your hotel rooms to yourself)
  • Deposit to Reserve – $500.00 per person upon registration to reserve your place (non-refundable)
  • Balance due by September 30, 2019
  • Value of the experience – Priceless!

Is This For Me?

“Sheilaa and Daniel did an excellent job, and they work so well together. Their differences complement each other perfectly and I learned from each of them. With my traumatic past with the Church, I wasn’t sure how this was going to be. But the Black Madonna, well, she just simply touched me very deeply. It was a blessing to tour that beautiful part of the world, having memorable experiences all along the way, with such a wonderful group of people. I went last year and I’m coming again this year. I wouldn’t miss it. The Black Madonna and I have some unfinished business.”   Maria R., (Arizona)


“If Sheilaa’s hosting a trip, then I’m going to be there! I have been to every Odyssey she’s facilitated, and each time I am thrilled that I did. The last trip I took with her was The Mystical Catalunya Odyssey Quest that she and Daniel facilitated. I can always count on growing spiritually, healing, visiting beautiful and interesting places, eating well, shopping, and discovering more about myself. It doesn’t get better than that!”    Janet C., (New York)


“I loved everything about the trip. I went to Catalonia with the intention that I was going to receive an important gift. One night in Montserrat, something huge shifted around debilitating fear, and my life changed. Here I am, only a few months after returning from the Odyssey Quest, and I’ve recreated myself. So much is moving forward in my life and I’ve learned that I can trust my intuition, take more risks, own what I desire in my life, and let go of trying to figure out all the details. Thank you Sheilaa and Daniel. My life is exciting and I love what it, and I, have become.”   -Gina O., (Connecticut)

“When I think about my experiences working with Daniel, words such as transformation, deep healing, respect, passion, and new tangible possibilities come to my mind. I am always amazed about his natural intuitive abilities and accuracy when he enters the energy field of people.”  -Sergi Aynó, (Barcelona)

“Daniel is remarkably intuitive. He has often seen something beneath the surface of my own awareness that was beckoning to emerge. It’s hard to estimate the value Daniel’s guidance has had for me. He is a deeply insightful and special person, and for his presence in my life I shall be forever grateful.”  -D.G., (Canary Islands)

“Anytime I know Sheilaa Hite is creating/leading an event, I want to be there! The Odyssey experience was phenomenal. It offered an amazing opportunity for connection, discovery and appreciating the beauty, majesty and sacred aspects of the places we visited. The care and detail that went into creating it was evident in how everything transpired. The amazing places we visited, the beauty of the surroundings, the connection between members of the group, the after-dinner meetings—it all made the experience rich, rewarding and memorable. Your presence throughout ensured that this wasn’t simply ‘another trip’—it was more an opportunity for a shift in consciousness and thinking, beautifully orchestrated by a loving spirit whose dedication to enriching the lives of people everywhere speaks volumes about who you are as a spiritual teacher and guide. Simply, the Divine in action!”      -David N., (London)

“You did an excellent job!! The invocation, New Moon Ceremony, and evening meetings were amazing. And reading our Astrology charts in relation to the places we visited was an incredible gift! Thanks for taking me on the adventure of a lifetime!! With you as our Odyssey leader and guide, the Scottish Odyssey was an enlightening and joyful experience. I feel blessed to have made the trip with my fellow pilgrims and you. Together we embraced the beauty, mystery and splendor that is Scotland. I look forward to future travel adventures with you at the helm.” Patti K. (New York)

You’re interested. Great, let’s talk!

If you would like to join us, would like more information, or wish to schedule a conversation with me about the Odyssey Quest, please provide your information below.

13 + 10 =