Your life opens into
unlimited possibilities
when your challenges are
seen as the doorways
to your destiny.
Your life opens into
unlimited possibilities
when your challenges are
seen as the doorways
to your destiny.

Meet Daniel Piatek
Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Guide & author, Daniel Piatek, inspires others to embrace the journey to living their authentic essence, their Unique Genius. Carl Jung refers to this process as Individuation – we emerge out from under layers of profound conditioning as we discover who we truly, already are.
During this period of epochal change we’ve now entered, the old ways of making sense of the world, and of navigating our lives, are proving less and less helpful. We have to develop new skills and discover new tools to find our ways forward.
Simply put – we have to become new people, in the most profound sense. This new person you’re being beckoned to become, your Sovran Self, lives inside of you, knows what’s true, and shows you the way.
We must learn how to connect to our Sovran Self, and allow ourselves to be guided by Wisdom which is everywhere (OMNI). This is the way of a MYSTIC as we reclaim parts of ourselves we’ve lost access to. And to do so while we find our way through the very real and challenging realm of the practicality of our day-to-day lives. As seemingly everything around us is changing more rapidly that we can understand.
The Way of the OmniMystic brings together old & new, scientific & spiritual, mythic & mundane
— to teach us how we can, and must, find our own way.
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From the Blog
LatestEverything I Need to Know, I Learned Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
I want to start with a bold claim: Everything I need to know, I learned healing from narcissistic...
LatestHow to Make Sense of this Crazy, Chaotic World
Today, I’ll be sharing a perspective that makes the craziness, chaos and confusion of the...

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Heart Meditation
This relaxing and invigorating meditation will assist your heart to recalibrate the energies of your bodies, while connecting you to higher healing frequencies.
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Do You Have a Mission, a Purpose?
Do you have a gut sense there’s something you’re meant to be doing with your life?
Confusion, frustration, fear & doubt are NOT obstacles, they’re an essential part of the process to getting there.
“A process, you say?” Yes, there’s a process to this, and you’re not meant to do it alone.
And that’s my mission, to guide and help others to their purpose. And there is a process to it.
You can truly Live the Life You’re Meant to Live.