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Living as a Practical Mystic

Why Am I STILL Stuck?


Why Am I STILL Stuck? Many of us are struggling with a challenge or two in our lives that, no matter what we try, we can’t seem to get free of it. We do everything that we know to do, we seek help, guidance, support, and still it doesn’t change in a significant way. Even though so much...
Freeing Our Attention is Freeing Our SELF!

Freeing Our Attention is Freeing Our SELF!


Most of the what causes us to “get stuck,” and not be able to make change, comes from not questioning basic assumptions we hold about ourselves and life. Basic, fundamental assumptions about everything. And most often, we don’t even realize it! When something is not...
Is the Universe Fundamentally Positive or Negative?

Is the Universe Fundamentally Positive or Negative?


Probably the most important question that we never ask ourselves is exactly this…. as stated by Albert Einstein…. ” The most important decision we make is whether the we believe in a friendly or hostile universe.” This decision, for most of us...
Past is Present is Future. Or it Isn’t. Up to You.

Past is Present is Future. Or it Isn’t. Up to You.


How we see our past … is the present …  from which we create our future. The information in this Facebook Live video from January 1, 2017, is perennially relevant. I invite you to take a look at how you frame “your past” in order to best set...
Unstuck! Taking the Next Step to Living on Purpose

Unstuck! Taking the Next Step to Living on Purpose


Do you feel there is something you came here to do in this life? That you have a mission, a purpose, or a destiny to fulfill? Ever since I was in my early 20’s I felt this. And one of my recurring experiences has been feeling frustration, and sometimes just plain...